Monday, July 27, 2009


This year ragnar was as fun as ever. I again forgot my camera, so I do not have pictures from the race. I did however get a picture of the note the kids had left for me on the kitchen window when I got home. Thanks kids!


Nathan and Shanna said...

I am just amazed that you can actually run in one of those. I would absolutely die!
You really are lucky to have so much of your family so close. I am like Tonya, all my family is in the Salt Lake Valley except for me! :( But, I still like the Basin and my In-laws!
Posts are good no matter when they come! You know what they say better late than never right?!

Debra said...

Way to go Kara! That's awesome. Whitney also told me that when she runs with you, it's like running with a cheetah. You are too cool! Thanks again for asking me to judge art this week despite my inadequacies as an artist wanna-be. It got me going again...You are always such a good motivator...Thanks!