Friday, March 26, 2010

Shamrock Half Marathon

In my training for the Ogden Marathon in May I thought it would be good to try a half marathon in the middle of my training. The Shamrock Half last weekend in Saratoga Springs lined up perfectly with my training. Liz and I and her friend Kami decided to sign up. We were excited to run out in the city, thinking we would get to run in a little warmer weather. We went out on Friday, and all afternoon was very cold with wind and some snow. Saturday morning when we got to the start it was 20 degrees. We so did not want to get out of the car. Once the race started, however, the sun came up and the temperature was not even a issue. The race was a very pretty run, with lots of hills. I could tell my training was better for this race than the last one I did. When I finished I felt great and took 5 minutes off my time even with the hills.

1 comment:

Tonia Z said...

wow... not ONE word about your great cheerleading squAD?? or the fabulous pictures?