Friday, October 9, 2009

end of the farming season

Fall is a very bittersweet time at our house. As much as it bumms me out to have to put away the flip flops and get out the hoodies (or even worse heavy coats). I do love when Jeff has days off and has NO farming to do. He took on a extra farm this summer so there have been very few days this summer that jeff has not had farming to get done. And much as I hate cold, it's nice to know I wont get in trouble when Jeff gets home from work because I forgot to change the sprinkler (again). So I guess I'll go cut some firewood and get out the coats. At least We'll see a little more of Jeff around.
Here are some pictures from this summer.


Tonia Z said...

YAY for extra time with the family. Still mad at you. I'll forgive you when you come visit. :)

michellemcpherson said...

very nice pictures kara!

James and Jade Bethers said...

Crazy thing....I was in Cal Ranch in Logan and some tall lanky kid from your neck of the woods asked if I needed any help.....he just happened to be your brother! We had a good visit! Man is this a small world!